Return to Reason

On Saturday, November 19th, Leon Fontaine passed away. His wife Sally and the rest of his family are taking this time to gather and mourn. Thank you so much for all of your love and support.

Please be praying for the Fontaine family during this time. Click here to read a statement from the Fontaine family.

A common-sense analysis of world events
& culture

Return to Reason shares a refreshing take on world events, culture, and issues of morality in a meaningful way. The erosion of freedoms has never been so widespread and the need for unbiased journalism is more important than ever. With a high value of people – and their right to think for themselves – Return to Reason endeavours to present the WHOLE STORY, so viewers can make fully informed, wise decisions to bring positive change to their lives, communities, and to the nation.


Jeremy Prest & David Craig interviewguests from around the world to discuss current affairs, books, and publicpolicy issues that are affecting our culture; and what you can do about it as aresponsible, active citizen who is concerned about the future of Canada.

Grey Matter Podcast is a curation of intelligent conversations with thought-provokingleaders from around the world! Leighton Grey tackles subjects that are often taboo, thinks outside the box, andrelishes the opportunity to go beyond the narrow worldviews that are soprevalent today. Dare to challenge your mind, and your mindset, with thisunique blend of perspective, facts and free-thinking.

Big topics. Big Ideas. Since its inceptionin 1999, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy has been steadfast in itsmission to foster Ideas for a Better Tomorrow. Through research,publications, educational events and policy analysis, Frontier has impacteddozens of governments and policy sectors. With Western Canadian roots and adrive to cultivate responsible citizenship, Leaders on the Frontier featuresdiscussions of common sense and good governance from this non-partisan,cutting-edge think tank.

Featured Podcast Episode

Return to Reason: We Have Something to Say

David Craig, Jeremy Prest, David Leis and Leighton Grey gather to share the impact and inspiring potential for the Return to Reason line-up of programs. With the end goal of influencing Canada for truth, freedom, and ultimately the gospel, the roundtable discussion challenges all to engage and grow as citizens, honouring the groundwork that Leon Fontaine built.